Seamos sinceros: La Madre Naturaleza nos puede dar gran satisfacción o puede ser muy desagradable. No podemos controlar el tiempo, pero gracias a que nuestros guías están curtidos en todo tipo de condiciones harán todos los esfuerzos para encontrar la mejor nieve. Las condiciones para el esquí y el snowboard, la base de nieve y las acumulaciones de las nevadas en 24 horas y 7 días vienen directamente de los guías de Last Frontier.

Condiciones Actuales

°C °F

Bell 2 Lodge

Partly Sunny -18°c high -18°c low
201 cm Current Snowbase
0 cm 24 Hour Snow
0 cm 7 Day Snow
Today February 16

Ripley Creek

Sunny -16°c high -16°c low
217 cm Current Snowbase
0 cm 24 Hour Snow
5 cm 7 Day Snow
Today February 16


°C °F

Bell 2 Lodge

Sunday 16 February Partly Sunny
-18°c low
-18°c high
0 cm snowfall
Monday 17 February Cloudy
-19°c low
-7°c high
0 cm snowfall
Tuesday 18 February Snow
-17°c low
-7°c high
0 cm snowfall
Wednesday 19 February Snow
-14°c low
-7°c high
0 cm snowfall
Thursday 20 February Snow
-14°c low
-5°c high
0 cm snowfall
Friday 21 February Snow
-8°c low
-2°c high
4 cm snowfall
Saturday 22 February Snow
-9°c low
-3°c high
6 cm snowfall
0 cm 48 hour projected snowfall
10 cm 7 day projected snowfall

Ripley Creek

Sunday 16 February Sunny
-16°c low
-16°c high
0 cm snowfall
Monday 17 February Sunny
-16°c low
-7°c high
0 cm snowfall
Tuesday 18 February Sunny
-15°c low
-8°c high
0 cm snowfall
Wednesday 19 February Snow
-10°c low
-7°c high
2 cm snowfall
Thursday 20 February Snow
-9°c low
-5°c high
6 cm snowfall
Friday 21 February Snow
-5°c low
-2°c high
14 cm snowfall
Saturday 22 February Snow
-5°c low
-3°c high
9 cm snowfall
0 cm 48 hour projected snowfall
31 cm 7 day projected snowfall

Temperaturas, nieve nueva y base a 1.000 m de altura. Este es un pronóstico meteorológico automatizado y no es fiable al 100%.

Mapa del Tiempo

Estate atento a lo que la Madre Naturaleza tiene preparado mirando el mapa adyacente. Consigue la foto general y las actualizaciones de seguridad en nieve del pronóstico de Avalanchas de Canadá.

Ver el pronóstico

Informe de las Condiciones de esquí

Cada día durante la temporada de heli-esquí (de mediados de Diciembre hasta finales de Abril) nuestros guías recogen la información del estado de la nieve, temperatura, acumulaciones de nieve recien caida y el terreno por donde se ha esquiado. Tanto los informes diarios como los semanales están disponibles. Para aquellos que quieran investigar un poco más, tenemos el histórico de los informes de años anteriores y estaremos encantados de compartirlos con vosotros. Sólo tenéis que pedirlo bien ;-).

Temporada de heli-esquí 2025

Bell 2 Lodge

Is this what a drought looks like? I guess it is if you have the biggest single tenure in the world. Cold temps and clear skies let the eagles fly to the far reaches of the tenure, where lots of wild snow is hiding in plain sight. Big days make for big smiles!
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 1cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 197 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Another big lap on Play Off

Ripley Creek

It was a great 4 day regular tour here at Ripley Creek, but we can't forget to include the 7 day private that left yesterday. The cold temperatures improved the skiing conditions daily, and we were able to get into some steep lines in the trees. As a bonus, we got a little skiff of snow to polish off a fantastic trip! La Bocca, Baby Bocca, Swamp Donkey, were all good humoured hits this week, and the skiing on Home Run was a big hit too. We hope to see you all again soon.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 4cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 28950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 214 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Simon sticks it!

Bell 2 Lodge

Patience paid off today. We finally got some snow as a few random flakes around the lodge translated to 10-20cm in the upper valleys. And then, the sun came out! You gotta make hay when the sun shines so we punched out 17 runs for over 9000m. A great way to end the week. Looks like some more snow will be showing up in a few days, but maybe...another day of sunny pow tomorrow?
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 9250 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 197 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Loving life on Cruiser!

Ripley Creek

Tree skiing continues to deliver. Our guests are being sent home stoked.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 5cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 5000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 217 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sophie shredding the faceted trees

Bell 2 Lodge

Still no new snow? Still not a problem! Sun, low temps, and light winds make for great for skiing. Lots of cold powder to be found all around as we farmed the stashes and explored the deeper parts of the tenure. Will it snow again? Will it warm up? Tune in tomorrow for another episode of As The Powder Turns...
  • -14 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 7700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 198 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Playing on Play Off

Ripley Creek

Snow in the trees gets better everyday. Gold Pan was incredible and Home Run skied amazing top to bottom.
  • -14 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 7400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 214 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jonathan all smiles on Caramba

Bell 2 Lodge

Is the end of the drought in sight? Will we be seeing some new snow soon? Nobody knows for sure, but the skiing today was still great so we'll just keep our fingers crossed. While it's still a bit chilly out there the big freeze seems to have ended, and a few falling snowflakes encouraged our guests and guides to get a bit of airtime themselves.
  • -11 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 6200 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 199 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Crouching Klaus, Flying Squirrel

Ripley Creek

Cold temperatures made for wonderful surfaces to glide and ride. The sun kept us warm and the trees delivered. A little alpine in the Nelson creek made for spectacular views.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 7900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 215 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters


Bell 2 Lodge

Another sunny and cold day out there, so we went exploring into some of the further reaches of the tenure today. With this much terrain we have a lot of runs that rarely get skied, so now is the time to go do that. One group went Looney Tunes while another group got up to some Monkey Business. All in all it was a day of adventuring for our guests and our guides.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 7800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 200 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Roadrunner, catch me if you can

Ripley Creek

Sunny skies persist, though the wind kept things cold today, including the snow. We skied quite a few alpine features, and some steep chutes too!
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 8650 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 217 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jonathon loving his first day at Ripley Creek.

Bell 2 Lodge

What a week... We flew into untouched zones like the Wildfire Range, where we found smooth, protected powder for our guests. Anderson Peak was a major highlight for the area! With 5/5 consecutive bluebird days, the team opened up some of our big alpine lines, giving guests a true taste of the Last Frontier experience. From the highest peaks to silky smooth tree skiing, our groups explored all reaches of the tenure. Another unforgettable tour with an incredible crew up here in Northern BC.
  • -9 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 201 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sean trading in the ski's for the board on Virga! Photo: Brandon

Ripley Creek

For a week with no snow, the skiing was top notch! Toward the end of the week we got into some steeper lines that haven't been skied yet this year. The trees provided excellent soft snow at times, and we had a special appearance of a local band for some live acoustic music.
  • -11 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 34200 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 218 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

We hope that you come back!

Bell 2 Lodge

We had a week of deep winter under blue skies. Our guides and guides had an amazing week skiing smooth powder in the alpine and deep turns in the trees to the valley bottoms. It was so nice to warm up at après in the bar with live music from Meg's and Benny.
  • -15 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 221 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

Clear sky and cold, arctic air was theme of the week. Our high alpine terrain was out of commission due to wind effect. Fortunately, excellent skiing was found in our abundant tree line terrain. The cold temps kept the powder dry, many great turns were had by all. We had a blast with our American friends this week!
  • -18 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Poor
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 37850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 228 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

the most requested photo of the week. "this never happens, honestly baby" Bret Arsenault experiences premature inflation.

Bell 2 Lodge

Mother nature delivered this week with 50cm of blower snow. This weeks group had deep tree skiing and high alpine turns under blue skies.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 50cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 225 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

One guest said this was the best run of his life!

Ripley Creek

What a fantastic tour. A sunny start gave way to an epic 18 hour snowfall event that gave us 45cm of new powder. We skied all day through the storm with every turn feeling better than the last. The next day we skied honest waist deep snow, it was almost too deep! The tour ended with an awesome sunny alpine day and the final day was spent lapping up the goods below treeline. A five day tour doesn't get much better.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 51cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 25450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 254 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Perfect conditions in the Money Bowls.

Bell 2 Lodge

We seem to have started a bit of a tradition with our trips lately. Once again we began the week under unsettled conditions, with grey skies and limited terrain. A brief storm kept us grounded for a day, and then we got out and went big. The weekly snowfall total doesn't really tell the story, as we saw storm totals in the deeper parts of our tenure closer to 60cm this week. Plenty of deep turns and big vertical days makes for happy skiers!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 29cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 203 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Winter Surfing under clear skies!

Ripley Creek

Unsettled weather throughout week gave 30 cm of fresh snow and blue sky. Lots of clouds and fog kept us mostly at treeline but we did get several occasions to see amazing alpine terrain. All in all a very succesful and enjoyable week of skiing.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 24cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 36100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 225 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Typical snow conditions for week 6.

Bell 2 Lodge

Sometimes a little adversity makes a trip all the sweeter. A huge storm kept us from making turns the first day, but after that it was all soft snow and great skiing. Every day of this trip was better than the last, as the sun came out and cold temps kept everything soft and creamy. Some fast spanish skiers kept the guides on their toes, but who doesn't love big days under the northern sun!
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 65cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 26550 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 209 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Can't stop, won't stop. Photo: J Smoke

Ripley Creek

The week started with a massive storm which had us grounded on day one. Fortunately the weather gods looked kindly upon us and were pleased with our down day sacrifices. The following four days provided legendary powder skiing under blue skies, we travelled to many different corners of our tenure, and found close to perfect snow throughout the area!
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 35cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 22750 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 225 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jan 19, 2024 | Photo by: Brandon Hartwig

Bell 2 Lodge

We battled the clouds for many days this week but our amazing pilots ducked and dodged to the landings and pickups. Guides worked hard to hunt for fresh turns on every lap in anticipation of the coming storm. Then, just in time for big send off, the overnight storm delivered and fresh turns were had by all.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 94cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 20750 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 196 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Hello sunshine!

Ripley Creek

The weather this week was typical for early January with storm after storm after storm. The temperature is a little mild for January though, with zero degrees in the valley bottom. When we could fly around the storm clouds, we were rewarded with soft skiing, and everyone was stoked.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 72cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 14650 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 219 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

A rare moment of sun this week.

Bell 2 Lodge

That's a rap folks, our five day trip has come to a close. We had very good days and some downtime due to storms. Classic January storm skiing. A couple memorable runs for the guests were Star Trek, Nunatak, and No Rider.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 25cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 14250 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 171 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jan 8, 2025 | Photo: Nicholas Rapaich

Ripley Creek

Despite the capricious weather, opening week at Ripley was a resounding success. We were able to show our newest guests a great snapshot of our terrain. Snow quality was good and views amazing. Down days were passed with the guides leading the guests on an enlightening trip to the Stewart Museum and "Ripley Creek World Famous Trivia" was hit with the teams demanding multiple overtime rounds :)
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 13100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 208 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jan 5, 2025 | Photo: Melissa Makepeace

Bell 2 Lodge

That's a rap folks. The first week of Heli Ski guests have finished the week. They had 7 days of very good to excellent powder turns and we could not have asked for a nicer group of people to share it with. The run of the week was Troubador.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 15cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 37700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 161 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jan 4, 2025 | Photo: Nicolas Rapaich

Bell 2 Lodge

It's well and truly spring at this time of year, and we experienced all weathers this week. Temperatures are gradually rising and storms brought more snow and wind, but throughout the lulls in between we could get out and shred in beautiful sunshine. The powder was excellent and the views were out of this world!
  • -1 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 35cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 29,050 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 307 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Smooth turns. | Photo: April 8, 2024 - Greg-Franson

Ripley Creek

What a week it's been. Dealing with all sorts of weather. The snow gods did deliver and we enjoyed some powder and sunshine. Thanks for the epic week with some fun guests.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 64cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 26,050 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 291 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Fresh snow & bluebird. | Photo: April 9, 2024 - Johnny Smoke

Bell 2 Lodge

A perfectly timed mid week storm came just in time to bring fresh life to the Last Frontier terrain. On Thursday one of the groups had an amazing time on the run "April Powder", reminding us where the name likely originated from. Another great week at Last Frontier Heli!
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 19cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 47,850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 292 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

No end to winter. | Photo: April 3, 2024 - Greg Franson

Ripley Creek

It was a tough start this week with very little new snow recently. The skiing was only fair to poor and the mood was as low as our daily verticals. However, on April 2nd we woke up to new snow paving the streets of Stewart and quickly set off to harvest powder in the alpine. The clouds pushed us around a bit and lower on the mountain, but we pushed back and found some great skiing in Nelson Creek. On Thursday the skies opened up and we seized the opportunity to ski the Cambria Icefield and Todd Creek zones, skiing over 12,000 meters in one day! This week finished off with another stellar day as we found preserved powder that skied well all the way down to valley bottom. We heard "best day of my life" quite a few times this week despite the rocky start, and that's what we are here for!
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 35cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 52,050 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 263 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

April POW | Photo: April 3, 2024 - Janina Kuzma

Bell 2 Lodge

Weather was very spring-like for the week with alpine temperatures from 0 to -5. High north-facing terrain was still holding cold dry powder and due to the size of our tenure we were able to continue to find those spots. One crew of guests were treated to a moose sighting as he galloped past our helicopter staging area. Overall a terrific week of powder skiing given the warm temperatures in the valley.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 3cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Poor
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54,150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 315 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

The high alpine kept giving the goods. | Photo: March 28, 2024 - Johnny Smoke

Ripley Creek

The sun is shining, the days are long, and it's starting to feel a lot like spring in Stewart! Yet high in the mountains is another world made of ice and snow - a paradise of glaciers spilling out in every direction. It's here where winter lingers, providing a perfect landscape for guests to carve their turns. There are hidden troves of powder on north faces and endless fields of afternoon corn. We've taken full advantage of a week of sunshine to explore the far edges of our map and share with our guests what makes Ripley Creek such a special place.

Looking forward to a new week with new guests and dare we say there might even be a little snow in the forecast...
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 5cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 59,120 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 253 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Glacier Exploration | March 28, 2024 - Brandon Hartwig

Bell 2 Lodge

Rain and high temperatures weren't going to stop us! Spring may arrived so we went into the high country in search of dry snow and fantastic skiing! We spent time under beautiful skies in the far west and north ends of our tenure, skiing runs that many of the returning guests (and even some of the guides!) had never skied before.
  • 3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 2cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 59,350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 287 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Skiing amongst the glaciers. | Photo: Johnny Smoke - March 16, 2024

Ripley Creek

It felt like an early spring this week at Ripley Creek! Mostly clear skies allowed us to get into the high alpine and ski the incredible Cambria Icefield as well as trips to the Erickson and Frank Mackie Icefield's. Due to recent warm weather, the tree skiing is not in play right now, so everyone is thankful for the clear blue days. We had tears in the eyes of guests as they got to experience the remarkable glaciers and icefalls, as well as witness the view of an ocean of endless waves whose peaks are mountain tops. A very special beach picnic was enjoyed this week as well, and our Canadian skiers braved the cold waters of the Portland Canal and went for a swim! Thanks to everyone for making this a memorable week at Ripley Creek!
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 4cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42,900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 261 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

High on the Cambria. | Photo: March 16, 2024

Bell 2 Lodge

A mix of weather this week saw some cloud and snow pushing us from the alpine down into the trees. The best days were early in the week, high up in the alpine on the glaciers in the South West ranges. The highlight of the week was an epic run down Troubador in chest deep champagne like powder. Markus Stuimbaum and Markus Erni clocked up some major vertical metres skiing from the alpine into treeline.
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 61cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 41,700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 308 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Gettin rowdy in the powdy. | March 11, 2024, Photo: Dragon

Ripley Creek

Deep powder skiing in the trees and sunny alpine slopes, we had it all this week! The week started off with a day in the Gran Duc before the snow started falling and we retreated to the trees where we had epic powder skiing. Our guests from Australia, Norway, Switzerland, and the US were most impressed with our steep lines on Grand Slam. One down day this week allowed everyone to rest their legs and finish strong shredding the 20cm of new snowfall overnight.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 71cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 41,450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 310 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Knocking it out of the park on Grand Slam!

Bell 2 Lodge

We had several bluebird days in the middle of the week. This allowed us to reach deep into the tenure and find some beautiful ski lines with glorious powder. The massive glaciers delivered great skiing and we even got out to the seldom skied run Alien. The week started and finished with some stellar tree skiing in our classic zones.
  • -13 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 25cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54,500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 278 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

March 5 @ Bell 2 Lodge | Photo: Brenden Nielsen

Ripley Creek

An epic week starting with clear blue skies, wide-open slopes and great snow. Classic, high glaciated runs such as Princess and Eternal Sun took our breath away. Towards the end of the week a strong, Pacific frontal system deposited a half meter of fresh powder allowing our guests to experience the famous steep and deep tree skiing on exciting runs like Grand Slam and Big Timber.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 70cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 65,450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 285 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Getting deep in the trees. | Photo: March 8, 2024 by: Johnny Smoke

Bell 2 Lodge

This week started with lots of snow. It was a nice change and made the tree skiing great again. Monday morning the skies went blue and we went to work. Guest got to ski the big ice with perfect conditions. We got more than our fair share of vertical, with Mr. G topping out at 73,150 meters! We got a little bit of everything and it was Excellent.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 42cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 64,400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 275 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

February 24 @ Bell 2 Lodge | Photo: Johnny Smoke

Ripley Creek

Our Canadian guests this week equated the trip to "winning the Stanley Cup". A storm early in the week dumped lots of power from the mountain peaks all the way to the valley bottoms. The tree skiing was deep and the alpine skiing was superb. We had breath taking views and perfect skiing from peak to creek. You know it was a good week when the guides don't want to go home!
  • -14 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 55cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 48,300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 256 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Mitre Mountain was run of the week! 1450m of perfect pow.

Bell 2 Lodge

A week full of great variety in terrain, weather and people. With great stability came the chance to travel far and wide. Even first descents were on the menu this week! A crew of Aussies and Austrians kept the après scene bumping and skied hard.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 18cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 48150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 269 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Feb 20, 2024 | Photo: Greg Franson

Ripley Creek

A week of mostly clear skies meant that we weren't skiing much in the way of new snow, but it did allow us to fly all over the tenure in search of the best snow and provide epic views of an ocean of endless white mountain tops. The guides hunted around and found a mix of preserved powder, spring-like corn snow, and some wind buffed skiing to round it all out. On the last day of the week it finally snowed! Some cloud and wind threatened to deny us the goods, but positive vibes prevailed and we skied the deepest snow in weeks.

We had the original Utah Boy Gary in the house along with Kevin and his daughter Michelle and they should expect visits from all of the Ripley Creek staff down in Utah ;-)

Greg and Peter came back for their second trip to Ripley Creek, but apparently Karl didn't get the memo. The two of these guys really brought the vibes with their lunch time DJ sessions and stylish outfits. Did someone hear a rap air horn?

Of course we love all of our guests equally and we are really looking forward to seeing them all again!
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 20cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 52550 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 236 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Feb 21, 2024 | Photo: Nat Gervais

Bell 2 Lodge

Clear weather and beautiful days let us fly all over the tenure! We found excellent skiing in the alpine despite the previous week's poor weather.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 13cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 66450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 255 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Feb 11, 2024 | Photo: Brandon Hartwig

Ripley Creek

The week started with a 20cm of new snow before a ridge of high pressure embedded itself over British Columbia giving sunny, clear sky conditions for the rest of the week. Despite high winds scouring many slopes the guiding team was able locate great snow on truly spectacular high alpine slopes. With non stop skiing, all guests left satisfied with some truly big verticals being posted.
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 21cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 60800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 233 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Amazing turns on Mt Jancowski

Bell 2 Lodge

This week high pressure arrived at Bell II. We were treated to a couple of bluebird days and a few days with high cloud. The best quality snow was up in the alpine and we mostly avoided the trees as the snow is still firm. With avalanche hazard improving every day we were able to step into some of our bigger terrain and get into some rarely skied runs.

Some groups saw wildlife this week including moose and a pack of wolves on a kill.
  • -11 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 12cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 45,040 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 260 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bluebird Alpine | Photo: February 7, 2023 - Mike Watling

Ripley Creek

The best memories from this week will be of the 2 days that we spent skiing the high glaciers in the Gran Duc. A lot of runs were skied for the first time this season this week including Coran and Boom Town from the top.

On other days the cloud obscured our alpine landings. Because we don't have the snow conditions for skiing in the lower trees, we had to get creative with run choices and cut some of the days short.

Our new guests from Switzerland became apart of the Ripley Creek family and we look forward to seeing them again. The Aussies made quite the impression as well and of course scored high on the fun factor. We also had Mathias back this week for his 6th trip to Ripley Creek since 2017.

Although we did not have much in the way of new snow this week and limited skiing, everyone had a great trip!
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 29cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42,900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 225 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

A spectacular day in the Gran Duc!

Bell 2 Lodge

This week we saw stormy conditions with lots of snow up high and some rain down at lower elevations. On down days we had fun lodge games, some shooting and a couple of great riverside bonfires. When we could get out and ski we enjoyed some memorable powder skiing with our friends.
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 43cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Poor
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 11500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 267 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

A great last day!!

Ripley Creek

It was a challenging week of skiing due to extreme weather events, but we have great memories of skiing Mt. Johnson and Tower of Power in the sun with incredible views. Our guests came from as far away as Spain and Germany but we also had some of our neighbours from the south come up to experience Ripley Creek and our unique town in Stewart BC. We can't wait to see you again!
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 84cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 21000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 235 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Glacier views when the skies cleared. | Photo: February 1, 2024 - JB

Bell 2 Lodge

Hoot hoot, the Owl Scoots. Plenty of storm skiing in the Owl and Red Flat drainages this week! Several forays braved challenging weather and snuck farther afield to Mount Anderson and the Front Range. Big Ullr decided we had our fix after five days of steep tree skiing and low fog ceilings kept our fun on the ground the past two days. We shifted into fatbiking, snowshoeing, and a polar plunge in Mehan Lake followed by a bonfire down on the banks for the Bell-Irving River! And best of all it has been pounding snow and we are looking forward to getting after it tomorrow!
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 45cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 27150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 265 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Me encanta Mucho Gusto!

Ripley Creek

Coming on the heals of a prolonged dry spell and rumors of difficult ski conditions, the outlook for the week looked bleak... With some clever route finding and unique line selection the guides were able to find great skiing amongst the tracks on the first weekend of the tour. Small daily snowfalls began to add up and every day the conditions just got better and better. By the end of the week the old tracks had disappeared and the guides were able to deliver run after run of awesome skiing. We didn't get into the alpine, but as all seasoned heli skiers know, the best skiing happens in the trees!
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 57cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 36350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 248 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

The name of the run says it all... Magic. Photo Karsten Von Hosslein

Bell 2 Lodge

We came out of the COLD blue skis and into some cloudier days as the week progressed. By the end of the week we had great skiing in sheltered alpine terrain and nice snow down to valley bottom where conditions allowed.
  • -14 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 36cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 39350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 245 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Photo: Jan 15, 2024 - Greg Franson

Ripley Creek

It was not a typical January week of skiing here at Ripley Creek. We experienced frigid temperatures, biting wind, and only 16cm of new snow. On the other hand we had some incredible views and witnessed the fata morgana illusion where the mountains were reflected into the sky like a reflection on a lake. The guiding team fought hard, exploring areas from the Gran Duc to Willoughby to Surveyors and did manage to find some preserved powder in sheltered bowls. Thanks to the Spanish guests for bringing their good-natured humour and epic bails and to the Aussie's for keeping everyone entertained with their more unique sense of humour! We say goodbye to everyone today and we will be welcoming all new guests tonight.
  • -17 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 16cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 34250 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 221 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Photo: Jan. 16, 2024 - Melissa Makepeace

Bell 2 Lodge

The past week of skiing at Bell2 can be categorized as clear, cold, and alpine-alicious. The snow was soft and fast, and the stoke of some great guests kept the whole place warm!
We're happy to see it start to warm up now, even though we're sad to see some great guests go.
  • -15 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 9cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 247 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Photo: Jan. 7, 2024 - Brenden Nielsen

Ripley Creek

The week started off with a top up of snow that remained well preserved for the rest of the week. Colder temperatures later in the week proved to be challenging for everyone, but we turned up our heated socks and donned every piece of clothing that we owned. A couple of cloudy and windy days kept us in the trees, but we did get to spend one day in the Gran Duc cruising down classic glacier runs! We had a ton of fun with guests from around the world, but we were super stoked to ski with some fellow Canadians as well!
  • -17 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 20cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 49900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 235 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Photo: Jan. 9, 2024 - Mike Watling

Bell 2 Lodge

An adventurous and snow-filled week in Northwest British Columbia! A theme of clouds at high tree line added a mysterious and atmospheric touch to the ski experience. Creative route planning was necessary in such conditions, and we made the most of what was available. Exploring the backcountry under these conditions can be both challenging and rewarding. The varied backgrounds of the visitors added an extra layer of cultural exchange to the adventure. Whether it's navigating through clouds, carving fresh tracks in the new snow, or simply enjoying the stunning landscapes, a memorable week was had by all.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 45cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 24500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 266 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Andrew showing off in the "Jacket of the Week!" | Photo: Bell 2 Lodge Crew - Jan 4, 2024

Bell 2 Lodge

Our first week opened with a bang, with over 130cm of storm snow throughout the week. We enjoyed day after day of deep tree skiing with many face shots. Our terrain is in great shape for the weeks ahead!
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 104cm
    New snowfall
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 27300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 292 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

December 28, 2023 | Photo: Phil Gibney

Bell 2 Lodge

A challenging week with clear conditions interrupted by a storm system that brought over 50 cm's of new snow in the alpine. Clear skies in the early part of the week provided great skiing in the Alpine and big vertical. During the storm the lower elevation tree skiing was tricky due to warm spring temps and unfavorable snow conditions. When conditions allowed higher landings the new snow skied really well on the north aspects.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 53cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44,400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 298 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Great snow and blue skies. | Photo: Greg Franson

Ripley Creek

Another amazing week starting with the tail end of an extended period of fine weather, then 40cm of low density snow which allowed for steep skiing with deep powder. Several first descents were enjoyed including Florine, a wonderful Couloir in the Southern Tenure, Jambalaya on the Cambria Icefield, and Crown Jewel in Kate Ryan Creek. A week that will never be forgotten!
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 120cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 51.900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 400 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Jambalaya on the Cambria Icefield with champagne powder during the first descent. | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

What an amazing week at Bell 2 Lodge. Good stability and clear skies had us all over our tenure visiting far out lines, getting amongst it in the steeps and lounging in the sun during lunch. Unforgettable and one to remember.
  • -1 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 5cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 66,850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 296 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

New lines and new peaks. | Photo: Brandon Hartwig

Ripley Creek

After an extended drought of new snow, the trade off was absolutely perfect weather and preserved dry powder on high North and East aspects in addition to corn snow on steep South aspects in the pm. The conditions allowed us to ski numerous first descents, some quite steep, and explore the far reaches of our tenure. To top it off we enjoyed the amazing music of the Heligrass tour in the evenings. An amazing week of spring skiing!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 15cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 61,700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 400 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

First Descent with Heligrass tour. | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

Classic heliskiing all week in the alpine sun. Winter is still hanging in there with good freezes overnight and almost spring-like conditions allowing us to get amongst it. Thanks to an amazing group of guests, guides and staff for bringing it together and making the dream happen.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 57,800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 295 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Classic alpine lines on Cougar. | Photo: Jake Foster

Ripley Creek

An amazing week. Unbelievable alpine powder conditions with many spectacular and steep slopes. We were able to venture out to the far corners of our area with delightful guests from around the world. As our Spanish guests would say it was "muy impressionnante".
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 35cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 53,800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 330 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sweet POW and clear skies. | Photo: Janina Kuzma

Bell 2 Lodge

The past week provided a lot of clear sky alpine skiing before another storm gave us 31 additional cm's. This put us in the trees for two days before the skies cleared again, bringing sun and warm spring time conditions. The week ended with skiing on many of our classic alpine runs.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 43cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 68,850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 323 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

March madness. | Photo: Mark Corbett

Ripley Creek

A truly spectacular week with epic, cold powder conditions. Many big alpine runs and steep tree runs made for the full Ripley Creek experience. Some of the best skiing the guides had ever seen!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 63cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 72,420 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 365 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Hero Shot | Photo: Colin Moorhead

Bell 2 Lodge

An incredible week with some big vertical numbers, clear skies and the opportunity to get into some spectacular alpine terrain. We visited numerous areas on the fringes of the tenure, that we are seldom able to get to. We started the week on the tail end of a big storm that gave us 50+ cms of snow and reaped the rewards all week. Lots of sore legs and goggle tans as people head out.
  • -11 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 73,150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 304 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Smooth cruising. | Photo: Mark Corbett

Ripley Creek

It was a fantastic week. Early in the week had a fantastic skiing under clear sky, skiing on massive glacier runs of the western tenure. Meanwhile dense clouds hinted at the new snow that could be piling up in the eastern valleys. Later in the week we were able to ski perfect cold powder day after day.
  • -15 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 29cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 79,000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 500 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

The Hanging Gardens | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

This week brought a mixture of storm skiing and open sky days, with the longer daylight hours allowing us to get into some higher vertical numbers. Cold conditions and whopping new snow delivered fantastic bigger alpine runs, and our bread and butter tree skiing. At the end of the week there were a lot of goggle tans and deep powder face shot stoke.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 86cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 60,000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 330 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Cruising. | Photo: March 3 - Cliff Umpleby

Ripley Creek

This week we experienced DEEEEP Powder skiing in the old growth forests of Eastern tenure and WILD Alpine Glacier runs in our Western Tenure with some of the best snow quality we have had this season. Mother Nature is being very kind to us, and we are savoring every turn.
  • -11 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 105cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54,700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 500 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Surprise Creek with Mount Pattullo looming in the background. | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

We had a great week with 20cm of new snow to keep things fresh up high. Tree skiing was amazing with steep and deep all week.
  • -16 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 20cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 57,450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 307 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Skiing the deep. | Photo: Luis Castillo

Ripley Creek

As usual week 10 with the Utah Boys was epic. It started off with storm skiing in the trees, then a high pressure system locked in bringing clear skies, cold temperatures and a tour of our high alpine glaciated terrain. The remainder of the week we shredded steep treeline runs in the sun and racked up tons of vertical, the biggest of the season so far. See you all again next year!
  • -16 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 50cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 56,050 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 420 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Week 10 delivers the goods again! | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

Stormy weather for most of the week. Flying conditions were challenging, but things kept filling in and we kept skiing trees! We also made it to some alpine during the one sunny day that we've had in the last 2 weeks. The Safari meeting in the field with 4 helicopters and 24 guests was also a highlight!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 40cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42,450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 327 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Deep | Photo: Brad Lorriman

Ripley Creek

The coast mountains of Stewart BC, much like the players in the Super Bowl, were absolutely tackled this week, by storm after storm. The amount of face shots received is too high to count, and it's still snowing as we right this report. With the stormy weather, flying conditions were challenging, but luckily the tracks in our tree skiing runs filled in daily. We also made it to some alpine during the one sunny day that we've had in the last 2 weeks. The Safari meeting in the field with 4 helicopters and 24 guests was also a highlight!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 80cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 39,000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 375 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

We saw the light! | Photo: Cliff Umpleby

Bell 2 Lodge

Storm skiing at its finest! It was a ridiculously deep and memorable week. We also snuck in some amazing alpine laps between all the fantastic tree skiing. Great fun on and off the mountain by a collection of Canadians, Americans, Australians, Dutch, Belgians, and of course the Austrians!
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 108cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 39,850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 308 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Nirvana | Photo: Brandon Hartwig

Ripley Creek

The week started out with a down day, which is always disappointing, but the next day after brunch, we got to ski what was described by many of the guests as the "deepest day of our lives". The cloud limited our ski program that day, but luckily the next day we were able to get up into the alpine in the morning and ski the Johnson area, and Easter Monday. Some guests described the day as "the best snow of our lives". The storms kept coming and the snow got deeper. On "Big Thursday" we measured between 50-70cm of new snowfall, and most of the guests, and even the guides, said "THIS is the deepest day of my life". It was a struggle to get around, but we were greatly rewarded for the effort, choking on snow as we made our way down Jungle Boogie, Deep Creek, and Directissma. Luckily the storm snow settled out over night, and once again we cruised down a regular kind of deep pow day!
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 150cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 45,600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 353 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ryan on Big Thursday. | Photo: Mel Makepeace

Bell 2 Lodge

We started the week at the tail end of a big warm up that made for some challenges finding good skiing and we were stuck below clouds and above the rugged tree conditions. Then the clouds delivered some fresh snow followed by clear skies and we were able to push into alpine terrain in the North and East, finding some longer runs, mountain top landings and zones providing great skiing. A storm hit us, steadily dropping new snow and we got out into the Red Flat area, Teigen and Owl in 30+ cms of fantastic snow, even being able to ski to valley bottom again. More snow and more snow kept falling, sadly making Thursday a down day where at the lodge the inaugural Snow Down Throw Down relay race commenced with guests racing around the property on fat bikes, snow shoes and X country skis, finally crossing the line after a team shot ski. The week ended with epic tree skiing and even a few alpine runs. Guest stoke was high!! (guides too)
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 70cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38,200 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 271 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

We fly up we ski down, repeat. | Photo: Steve Rosset

Ripley Creek

We had an amazing week overall. During the first 2 bluebird days we made tours of our alpine glaciated terrain and landed on a few of our highest summits. A storm rolled in slowly mid week which allowed us to ski in the alpine and treeline terrain. The end of the week brought us a big dump and we were skiing steep and deep tree runs in our old growth forests. That's what its all about.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 77cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38,800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Andre dropping in on Long Johnson off Mount Johnson. | Photo: Cliff Umpleby

Bell 2 Lodge

It was a week of constant storms, fresh snowfalls and wild tree skiing, until a big warm up giving us one down day. The week ended with cooler temperatures, clear skies and abundant alpine skiing seeing everyone leave Bell Two with big smiles.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 27,950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 243 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Classic Bell 2 Vista's | Photo: Brandon Hartwig

Ripley Creek

We spent most of the week being pummeled by strong weather systems which delivered over a meter of snow. Insane tree skiing conditions with occasional lucky forays into the alpine were mixed with two down days, the second of which saw the freezing levels rise high enough to spoil our tree skiing and dash our dreams. On the last day our prayers were answered with blue skies and we were able to get into the high alpine where we found excellent turns off of our highest peaks.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 103cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 21,650 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 290 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Fantastic Friday on the Cambria. | Photo: Jake Foster

Bell 2 Lodge

Back to back storms over the week assured significant snow accumulation. We were able to get out for "all time" powder shredding most of the week. When the Weather kept us from flying folks had a great time shooting and riding fat bikes !
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 70cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 22,750 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 228 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Smooth turns below treeline. | Photo: Dragon

Ripley Creek

We were only able to ski 1 day out of 5 due limited visibility for flying. The massive snow storm in the mountains is great for our base but not so nice for our guests not getting out. We thank them all for their patience and understanding and sincerely hope we get to ski with them all in the future.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 123cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 3,950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Enjoying deep turns on the Money Ridge. | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

At the start of the week we were able to see off our international guests with a smorgasbord of spectacular alpine slopes for a great finale on Sunday.

Monday saw the return off the Heli Grass Incident. The sweet acoustic melodies of bluegrass reverberated through the lodge every evening. By day we were able to tour the vast region finding perfect powder on nearly every slope.

We are already counting the days until we get to ski with this positive, high energy group again!
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 25cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38,000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 169 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

When the skies cleared, we had a great time in the alpine. | Photo: Othmar Thomann

Bell 2 Lodge

The weather pattern was a challenging one for us in the past week, with consistent low cloud and flying conditions. Thankfully the storm over Christmas had given us lots of fresh snow in the trees and we continually managed to find great skiing. We did get a couple of days with clearer weather and managed some great alpine skiing as well. It has been a fun, enjoyable start to the season with a fantastic New Years party to help stoke the enthusiasm.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 24cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 40,000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 168 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Lots of great snow in the trees. | Photo: David Graham

Bell 2 Lodge

Our first guests of the season arrived on Dec 28th, on the tail end of a storm system which gave us 50cm of low density snow. Another ten fell during our first day of skiing with all groups hitting some our classic tree skiing. It was a great day to get the season underway and spirits were high all around the lodge. The past couple of days have given us some clearer conditions, allowing us to get into the alpine to enjoy great skiing and spectacular views of the surrounding wild terrain that we call home for the winter. Some more skiers arrived today to share in the fun and we will bump up to running three machines tomorrow. More good times await us in the days to come.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 18,550 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 167 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Magic in the mountains as the sun skirts the horizon.

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started with two epic bluebird alpine days with great skiing in the alpine and into treeline. Incredibly we got a low of minus 15 on the last day with face shots all day. What a finish to a very memorable season with the highest snowfall in 10 years. We hope to see you again next season!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 31cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 360 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Amazing snow coverage. | Photo: Cliff Umpleby

Ripley Creek

Our Ripley Creek season came to a close on Monday April 11th. The last two days of final week delivered epic skiing around the Frank Mackie Icefiefld and Bowser River. On the final day we got in some of the steepest terrain including Jancowski North Line, Berendon East, Get a Life, and Granny Drop. What a way to finish the snowiest season since 2012. We look forward to seeing many familiar faces again next winter.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 8cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 24750 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 600 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Getting after it. | Photo: Mike Watling

Bell 2 Lodge

Another fantastic week at Bell 2. This was our second last week of operation for the year and it provided. We got over 50cm of storm snow with some clear days to enjoy the alpine pow. We made it to almost all corners of our tenure with guides and pilots exploring the beyond. We are looking forward for our final week next week as conditions have continued to provide everything for the guests.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 58cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 363 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Searching for lines in the west. | Photo: Bell 2 Guides

Ripley Creek

The first week of April really delivered! We received more than a meter of fresh snow in the alpine. We were chased around a bit by weather, but getting out of the helicopter and sinking up to our waists in snow never got old!
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 117cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 53000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 550 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

April showers bring May powder!! | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

Great week with some guests reaching almost 70,000m! We had a bit of everything, but when the sun came out the we were able to take advantage of long days in the alpine and crank out the powder turns.
  • -1 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 39cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 69950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 360 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Perfect snow. | Photo: Bell 2 Guides

Ripley Creek

This was a huge week of alpine skiing with lots of exploration, big vertical runs, a safari, and with amazing powder snow and great weather. It was definitely one of the best weeks of the season.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 42cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 500 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Granny Glacier in epic conditions. | Photo: Mel Makepeace

Bell 2 Lodge

Great week that started with amazing skiing in the high alpine with two days of sunlight on big runs. The next few days came in with lots of snow in the high elevations but also a lot of clouds and warming temperatures below 1000m. Still great skiing in deep snow down to 900m. Early in the week a down day but improved right a way. Great guests awesome to ski with you!
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 81cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 367 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Caked in snow. | Photo: Mark Corbett

Ripley Creek

We have had an epic amount of snowfall this week with over 100cm in the alpine. Getting out of the helicopter and sinking up to our waist in snow never got old. The skiing is incredible for this time of year, and we even had snow falling in Stewart. We are looking forward to seeing this group again next year!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 96cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 39300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 450 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Pillows and Powder.

Bell 2 Lodge

Great start of the week with nice days in the alpine. On Monday the weather didn't allow us to fly but slowly it got better although still lots of low clouds till the end of the week. We still found great skiing in the trees and subalpine with the occasional run up higher once the window was open
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 100cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 350 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Hero snow. | Photo: Mark Corbett

Ripley Creek

We had a fantastic start to the week skiing magnificent alpine runs with some of the best conditions of the season. Several down days were passed with trips to Alaska, Snow Shoeing, and Badminton. We finished the week with some steep and deep tree skiing in Surprise Creek.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 91cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 34300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 450 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Fairy dust. | Photo by: Robert Zika

Bell 2 Lodge

A week of mostly blue skies and perfect cool temps saw us out and about all over the tenure. Groups were regularly hitting 10k plus meters a day. Guides were happy to get out and explore areas in the far reaches that we do not often visit and guests were stoked to come along. By the end of the week the vert had racked up north of 50k and everyone had their fill of powder skiing and sun !
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 50cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 320 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Lots of big alpine days this week.

Ripley Creek

We wrapped up a major week of pioneering new runs in the southern reaches of the tenure. Happy guests and tired legs. New guests were greeted this afternoon and are excited about all the new powder snow that has fallen.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 35cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 45400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 450 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Rugged Landscapes | Photo: Cliff Umpleby

Bell 2 Lodge

It was the best of times, it was the best of times. Multiple best days ever from both guides and staff interspersed with challenging weather days for guides and pilots alike. Despite one down day thrown in the mix we managed to have a fantastic week skiing the dream at Last Frontier.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 52cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 58100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 330 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

We never tire of these views.

Ripley Creek

Stormy conditions gave way to clear skies and incredible alpine skiing later in the week. Glory days of big alpine skiing here at Ripley creek this week.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 30cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 420 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Cliff catching some air.

Bell 2 Lodge

This was an epic week, just as any skier dreams about it. It started with a good shot of fresh dry light powder that kept very well preserved during the next days and midweek another nice top up of powder that just delivered epic days out in the far reaches of the big glacier terrain and every other run in the area. Lots of descents that are only possible once in a while have been skied and in amazing conditions.
Toping top verticals every day during the week resulted in the biggest vertical of the season with strong skiers that just kept going and lots of them said they had the best trip of their skiing career.
Moose sightings all over and also the wolves around the lodge could be heard almost every night. Epic times at Bell 2!
  • -13 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 41cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 79850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 339 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Blue skies & epic snow. | Photo: Steve Roberts

Ripley Creek

The Utah Boys scored once again as week 10 delivered epic conditions, both with snow quality and good weather. This allowed us to to ski the most vertical in a day as well as have the biggest vertical of the season in a week. We travelled to the far reaches of our vast tenure and skied many big classic glacier runs for the first time this season. Additionally we observed Canadian wildlife including Mountain Goats and a Wolverine, as well as skied some first descents. Many guests said they had the best day of skiing of their lives! Life is good at Ripley Creek!
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 30cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 55700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 430 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

The Utah Boys score once again

Bell 2 Lodge

This week had some challenges with weather and snow! Overall, we had a great week with amazing guests. The guides were able to find some great snow each day despite some of the cloud cover. We received some fresh snow earlier in the week followed by a couple blueish days. Moderate to low avalanche hazard allowed us to ski some steeper tree line skiing. Good times!!
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 22cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 340 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

The goods were found at treeline.

Ripley Creek

A solid snowpack at the beginning of this week allowed us to ski some of the most epic runs at Ripley Creek, including Red Bull and Super Nova, with one group grabbing 9,000 vertical meters on Valentines Day. British Columbia did not receive much snow, but fortunately we were able to eek out a decent week of skiing.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 22cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 31850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 410 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

A diamond day in a rough week.

Bell 2 Lodge

It was a stormy week with the local weather lying down over a meter of snow in the mountains. Even with the tough weather the pilots got us out skiing with amazing snow at tree line and below.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 160cm
    New snowfall
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 31000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 351 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Plenty of fresh to be found in the trees. | Photo: Tamara Dykshoorn

Ripley Creek

What a week to remember. There was a ton of precipitation in all forms. The guests, pilots and guides were challenged by the weather gods but made the most of it and ended on a high note.
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 110cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 19800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 460 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Petersburg run in the Todd Creek Valley

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started with a snowy day that kept us down but setup the stage for an amazing week of heliskiing. Our guests saw all the beauty of it in waist deep cold smoke powder, big open alpine runs midweek with glistening endless runs in the cold winter sun. Tree skiing resumed midweek with deep conditions that make you living the dream some more.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 83cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 47050 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Getting deep in the trees.

Ripley Creek

Our week started with a down day at the tail end a large snowfall. The next three days gave us insane powder skiing. Runs were stretched from alpine glaciers to the deep river valleys, achieving massive vertical under blue skies. The second half of the week delivered half a meter of cold dry powder snow on steep and deep tree runs. Definitely a week to remember!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 155cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 56400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 460 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Face shots galore this week.

Bell 2 Lodge

A little challenging with cloud and fog layers throughout the week but once we got there the skiing in good powder was awesome. The snow stability allowed us to ski some steep lines and cool features below tree line.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 30cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38050 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 270 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sun & POW. | Photo: Cliff Umpleby

Ripley Creek

Week 05 overlapped into week 06 with our 5 day packages and we experienced a variety of conditions. New snow early in the week had us skiing in the trees with a break in the weather mid week allowing us to venture to our big glaciated terrain near Mount Johnson and The Mitre.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 39cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 27300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 360 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Crazy Horse in the rugged American Creek. | Photo: Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started with a 25cm powder reset. We quickly headed for the trees and found stellar conditions in nearby drainages. On Monday morning our guests were treated to an alpine sunrise and we found sparkly snow and beautiful views. The snow returned mid-week and we experienced blower conditions in Redflat and Owl Creek. A classic stormy January week delivering excellent tree skiing and some great turns in the Alpine. A huge thanks to our Canadian and European friends – we hope to see you again soon.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 89 cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 32000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 268 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

So smooth. | Photo: Bram Whillock

Ripley Creek

Lots of snowfall was the story of week 5. Two different groups enjoyed amazing deep snow tree skiing. We also got a couple of breaks in the weather that allowed us to get up into some of spectacular alpine terrain.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 75cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 28850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 390 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Deep turns in Surprise Creek.

Bell 2 Lodge

The first part of the week saw a sunny cold day before the snowmachine got turned on and kept going strong to mid week. Lots of awesome deep snow but also challenging conditions for flying in low visibility. The weather cleared on Thursday morning and gave us and excellent day in the Alpine with great views and amazing skiing. Friday was back to snowfall and we couldn't get out again.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 25350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 240 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Hannes prepping his gear for the first turns of the day.

Ripley Creek

A three day storm clobbered the mountains around Ripley Creek depositing almost a meter of snow in the alpine. We managed to get out for two short days during the storm and encountered truly bottomless conditions. The deep snow threated to swallow guides, guests, and helicopters! As the storm relented we were able to get out on our final two days and shred steep and deep trees around Surprise Creek and the majestic alpine icefields in the Gran Duc Valley. We haven't seen snow coverage this good in a decade!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 95cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 14500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 360 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

New guide Jake Foster getting the hang of the job in Deep Creek

Bell 2 Lodge

Cold but clear conditions allowed us to explore high alpine and glaciated runs. The alpine skiing was glorious, as the temperature inversion meant it was warmer up there in the sun! Lower down the powder was DEEP, and as the storm rolled in later in the week we skied through the big timber of the North West, through snow mushrooms and down into the valley bottoms. Another fun week comes to a close but the powder keeps falling cleaning the slate for the next crew of skiers.
  • -20 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 43cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 36550 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 220 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sun Shade Line | Photo: Lisa Porter

Bell 2 Lodge

Guides Training week and the first day of the season 2022! Awesome conditions in the Bell 2 ski area with a very well setup snowpack and good skiing all the way to the valley bottoms.
  • -16 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 10cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 3600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 201 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Deep conditions on Moose

Bell 2 Lodge

A ridge of high pressure established itself and we were blessed with beautiful bluebird weather. The fresh snow we received from the previous week made for awesome turns in the Alpine with unlimited visibility. Some of our groups skied up to 13,000 vertical meters on Sunday. We were sad to end the season early due to the global spread of Coronavirus [Covid-19], but all eyes are now focused on our 2021 season. A huge thanks to everyone that visited us this winter and our amazing crew that kept things running smoothly. We are working hard on re-booking all those guests that were unable to visit this winter.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 46000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 328 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Epic mountain views. | Photo: Mark Corbett - March 17, 2020

Ripley Creek

An epic week of clear blue skies, wide-open slopes and great snow. Excellent stability allowed us to get steep on glaciated terrain and the 83cm of fresh snow from the prior week remained well preserved. It's a shame to have to end the season so soon, but we are already excited for 2021. A huge thanks to all that visited.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 500 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

So many options. | Photo: Cliff Umpleby

Bell 2 Lodge

We had an amazing week starting with a bluebird day and excellent skiing over the first two days in the high alpine, then fresh snow arrived on Monday and kept coming on a daily base till Wednesday with incredible tree skiing down to valley bottom in deep conditions. Thursday and Friday revealed the high mountains again and the snow conditions were amazing again. For lots of our repeating guests, it was one of the best weeks they ever had. One guest put it in nice words: "Words cannot describe the Epic conditions we had this week, it will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life - so happy".
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 27cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 55950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 355 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Flyover. | Photo: Cliff Umpleby - March 11, 2020

Ripley Creek

An incredible week with just the right amounts of new snow and blue skies. The week started with 2 days of clear skies and forays into the deeper parts of the tenure and long runs of up to 2000m vertical. Mid week saw lots of new snow and occasional heavy squalls but we were never shut down and got out every day to ski face shots in the trees. Skies cleared up again the last few days and we continued skiing deep turns in the high alpine down to valley bottom. In a word, bellisimo !!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 83cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 72950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 548 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Powder days in the sun. | Photo: Reto Sterchi - March 8, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

An amazing week with very good snow conditions all week. We had a bluebird day for starters and saw a lot of beautiful terrain in the high glaciers. As the week progressed snowfall arrived and freshened it up on a daily base with incredible tree skiing. The last day bluebird again, just a perfect week.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 96cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 48500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 348 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Classic alpine lines. | Photo: Bell 2 Guides - February 29, 2020

Ripley Creek

This week started and ended with blue sky days, and big glacier tours. The rest of the week we had back to back snow storms with 100cm of accumulated snowfall which meant a down day and 2 half days, but lots of excellent tree skiing was had. An amazing week overall, and our guests made history as it was the first time every single one of them stood up and made a speech in the dining room on the last night. A really touching moment, thank you and we look forward to seeing you all again.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 100cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 33150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 500 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Boomtown...such a mega classic run! | Photo: Andre Ike - March 6, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

An amazing week of snow and skiing! Storm after storm produced memorable ski conditions... the kind you dream about and then pinch yourself to be convinced its real. This week was a mix of everything based on weather and conditions. We skied well spaced trees, cruiser alpine, deep snow glaciers (one guide even got some glacier ice to bring back to the bar!). The snow this week inspired and built confidence in all of our skiers at all levels of ability. By the end of the week, everyone had found their happy place in the mountains and many already planning their next visit.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 82cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 39100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 340 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Lunch with a view. | Photo: Aimee Leifer - February 24, 2020

Ripley Creek

Team Utah said they had some of the best snow they have ever had...and considering they have been coming yearly to LFH for 20+ years, not much more needs to be said.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 100cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 41550 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 500 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Deep days. | Photo: JC Deslarzes - February 25, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

This week was a glorious mix of conditions. We started out in the trees, then progressed to Alpine by mid week. Continued with our mix of alpine and tree skiing as we dodged squalls and fog banks to find the glory holes. We were able to open up a few new zones that we haven't gotten to yet, including the Bell Irving, Wild Fire, Toddadada, and ski some of our coveted runs in these drainages. Our guests showed their enthusiasm by going inverted, hucking off pillows and dodging trees. Most of the time is was even intentional. Big thanks to all the guests, those returning as well as our first time heliskiers!!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 47cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 61350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 318 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Paradise. | Photo: Esther Mamot - February 20, 2020

Ripley Creek

A simply amazing week! The new snow just kept piling up and we had endless face shots skiing the amazing steep trees of Surprise and Deep creeks and the sensational terrain of the Money Bowls And Willoughby. During brief respite between storms we were able to ski amazing alpine runs the highlight being the 1500m Cruise Control in knee deep cold smoke. Perfect synergy between skier, snow , and mountain!
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 95cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 480 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Blubird. | Photo: Mark Corbett - February 16, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

This was an awesome week of deep powder skiing with lots of different weather, from big snowfall periods to blue sky and amazing scenery on the big glaciers. Great fun also on a down day midweek.
Fantastic memories for happy guests.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 76cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 41100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 287 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Getting deep. | Photo: Jordan Grasby - February 13, 2020

Ripley Creek

We had an amazing week of sun, snow and tons of fresh tracks. It started off with our big glacier runs in the Gran Duc. We pulled off our first ever 4 helicopter/48 person safari deep in the heart of our tenure with perfect weather and 20cm of fresh powder from the night before. Another short storm followed and we finished the week of with steep and deep tree skiing and powder in the bowls.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 47000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 420 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Run: Chicago | Photo: Andre Ike - February 8, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

This week started with some amazing localized weather systems coming through and threatened our program but we persisted and got out every day. We had a copious amount of tree skiing to warm up our legs and get us in shape for the alpine finale at the end of the week.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 13cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44490 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bluebird fun day. | Photo: Jason Kuruc - Feb 2, 2020

Ripley Creek

An outstanding opening week which started with a blue bird day, then we received 70cm of storm snow mid week which had us skiing deep powder in the trees for days. The last day went blue again and we explored the Ice Fields and shredded untouched powder in wide open alpine bowls. Perfect start to 2020!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 102cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 47100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 440 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ridiculously deep skiing on Directissima. | Photo: Andre Ike - February 4, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

An impressive amount of snow fell from the sky this week. That came with a few down days, but we really took advantage of a wide array of down day options.... we even had a Bell II biathlon with real guns !!! The days we did get out skiing were extremely fun with deep fluffy storm snow and a good mix of tree line and below treeline glades.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 142cm
    New snowfall
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 29450 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 308 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Classic January tree skiing. | Photo: Christina Schad - January 27, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started out with deep dry powder and we skied mostly below treeline due to low clouds. Some terrific tree skiing was had. Continual snowfall is building up a considerable base, making for great tree skiing deep down into valley bottoms. As we got towards the end of the week, a large low-pressure system brought over 50cm of fresh snow to the region. Heavy snowfall, warming temps [in valley bottoms] and low visibility kept us grounded towards the end of the week, but we look forward to skiing all the fresh snow that is building up. As of Friday, the temps have started dropping and we expect this trend to continue over the next few days.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 54cm
    New snowfall
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 29300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 240 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Guide Andre Ike getting deep. | Photo: Mike Mills - January 19, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

An arctic air mass set in Early in the week, which made for cold conditions but very light powder. The high alpine got wind affected, but we found plenty of sheltered bowls around treeline. The tree skiing was excellent. This was a short three day week, hence the lower vertical number. Live music was the theme of the week and it’s always special when we can fill the entire lodge with friends. We can’t wait to do it again in 2021!
  • -24 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 9cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 17350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 214 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Night festivities at Bell 2. What a lively bunch this week. | Photo: Jonathan Therrien

Bell 2 Lodge

Wow what a week. This is what early January powder is all about. It was a short week with skiing from Saturday until Wednesday, but we got out every day and skied in ultra-light fluffy POW. Temps hovered around the magical -10 to -13 degrees Celcius mark. We skied a good mix of Trees and Alpine. The snowbase is phenomenal for this time of the year with more than 280cm of settled snow in the Alpine. We were able to ski runs all the way into valley bottoms, making for exceptional tree skiing. Bell 2 Lodge is now on a scheduled break, but daily ski reporting will resume on Wednesday January 15th.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 53cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 34700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 228 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Photo: Ryan Burlingame - January 6, 2020

Bell 2 Lodge

A very snowy week with good snowfall amounts but tricky weather with lots of clouds. Thursday was amazing with blue sky's and skiing in wide open glacier terrain in the West. The snowy days of the week saw us mostly in Owl creek where the powder was deep and the great snowpack this season makes all the runs to the valley easily accessible.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 65cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 24800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 226 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

First tracks of the season. | Photo: Cliff Umpleby - December 29, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

A tough last week weather wise but also two amazing ski days in fresh powder in the alpine. Really good conditions when we got there. We had a great group of guests this week and they where always in good spirits waiting for the weather to clear and go for it when it showed. Probably some of the best apres ski times ever!
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 15cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 26300 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 180 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Classic spring POW. | 📷 Cliff Umpleby - April 11, 2019

Ripley Creek

The week started off with some terrific fresh lines in the Silverado and Marmot areas. Then the weather kept us at bay until we got out for two spectacular days in the middle of the week. Amazing spring powder was found in Bowser and Todd Creek. Upon returning from two mega ski days, some of our Austrian guests opted for a little cool down swim in the Pacific Ocean. A great end to the 2019 season.
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 22cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 35150 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Glorious April POW. | 📷 Guide Schnelzer - April 10, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

Great week of skiing!! Spring arrived but we were able to find some great skiing in northerly aspects with dry preserved snow. During the afternoon solar aspects provided great corn skiing with great views of the tenure. We had mostly clear skies for the week and were able to push around the tenure a bit to find preserved snow. Variations in ski lines provided guests with a very good skiing experience.
  • 0 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 10cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 58850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 180 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Wide open terrain. | 📷 Mark Corbett - March 30, 2019

Ripley Creek

Warm temps a sunny skies made for classic spring skiing conditions. Although powder was hard to come by we quickly adapted to the conditions finding perfect sun softened slopes. The corn snow allowed us to negotiate very steep chutes and wild glaciated features Many once in a decade lines were skied including some first descents, Diurnal Peak was an amazing 1300 meter corn run with sustained 45 degree skiing from peak to valley!
  • 5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 12cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 40950 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 220 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Steep spring skiing. | 📷 Last Frontier Guides - April 2, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

An amazing week of spring skiing with lots of steep terrain skied. Blue sky's every day except day 1 where we got up to 15cm fresh powder that stayed conserved in the Alpine on North and Easterly aspects. Corn snow developed on all solar aspects and guests had an awesome time discovering the vastness of our tenure and the endless possibility's to ski. Big grins and deep goggle tans!
  • -1 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • N/A
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 64500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 183 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Après Ski @ Bell 2 Lodge 📷 | Alec Brown - March 27, 2019

Ripley Creek

This was a classic week of spring skiing with perfect weather all week. We covered many areas of our tenure including a day of exploration in our new Canal Zone and skied numerous first descents. Our guests left very satisfied with big goggle tans and even bigger smiles. Thanks to all!
  • 2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 61850 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 240 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Glacier skiing in afternoon corn snow. | 📷 Andre Ike - March 26, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started with a storm bringing new snow and stormy weather so we were not able to ski. The fat bikes continued to earn their keep and many guests visited the lake near Bell 2 with them. One group got out the cross country skis for a 12km loop around the surrounding area. Once the storm broke the skies opened up and allowed for a lot of skiing in the alpine in the sun with tremendous views. Warm air temperatures made it challenging to find good snow, however the East and South West did provide us with some spectacular turns in glorious warm sunshine. There were a lot of goggle tans!
  • 4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 14cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 37240 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 188 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Cornice jump. | 📷 David Greenbaum - March 19

Ripley Creek

Spring sprung upon Ripley Creek this week! Above average temperatures and sunny skies gave us sweet google tans and great corn skiing in the afternoons. Endless sparkling vistas of massive ice fields and spellbinding flights were a daily occurrence.
  • 5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 39750 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 216 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Getting setup for another run. | 📷 Mike Watling - March 18, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started out with some really amazing clear skies. We spread to the far corners of the tenure in search of fresh lines. By the second day a storm rolled in and delivered 21 cm of new snow. It continued to snow day after day with breaks that allowed us to get out and have a really good time. Lots of big air and smiling faces.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 46100 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 210 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Skiing into an old mining camp. | 📷 Mark Corbett

Ripley Creek

Our first day was sunny and clear, we gave our groups a taste of the fine alpine terrain and high glaciers. The rest of the week was dominated by steady snow falls which made for phenomenal forest skiing. Day after day of face shots with each run seaming to be better than the last. The legendary of steep and deep Ripley tree skiing was realized by all.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 80cm
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 260 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Epic tree skiing in Surprise after a 60cm snowstorm. | 📷 Ryan Thorpe - March 15, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

What a week. 7 days of blue skies and no wind meant preserved powder in all corners of the tenure. We skied steep alpine lines and opened up some terrain for the first time this season. Minds were blown, and new heli-ski addictions were formed. Thanks to all departing guests for a great time. It was one to remember!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 72500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 180 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Skiing Mutz. | 📷 Mark Corbett - March 8, 2019

Ripley Creek

This week goes down in the record books of some of the steepest skiing one could do at Last Frontier Heliskiing. This is thanks to the unbelievable stretch of good weather for several weeks with a few small snow falls to periodically improve conditions. Numerous first descents were made and guest went home with major goggle tans, tired legs from doubling their vertical packages and very big smiles.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 10cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 63000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 240 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sunny days on the glacier. | 📷 Luis Castillo - March 7, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started off with cooler temperatures but warmed up to -6 daytime temperature from -15. Although, there was no snowfall during the period, skies were generally clear with good visibility providing access to all reaches of the tenure. Good snow stability combined with favourable weather allowed groups to ski lines that haven't been skied this season. Generally, skiing consisted of alpine terrain from peaks and ridge lines which allowed groups to see the endless glaciated and mountainous landscape. It was an absolutely great week of skiing.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 60020 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 183 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Blue sky & great snow all week. | 📷 Mike Watling - February 25, 2019

Ripley Creek

This week blessed us with beautiful blue skies, crisp, cold powder and gentle alpine breezes. The mountains permitted us to safely enjoy gnarly steep lines, some of which are only occasionally skied. Another international roster, from Slovenia to the States, left thoroughly pleased. We look forward to seeing y'all again next winter!
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 3cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 65350 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 250 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

What a week! | 📷 Peter Brabec - February 23, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started out with clear skies and cold temperatures. We were able to get out and ski a lot of really cool alpine lines and glaciated terrain. A storm rolled through near the end of the week and we had some great storm snow skiing in the trees. The following day brought blue skies and amazing skiing with deep powder turns. Great end to a fun week.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 39cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 41635 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 200 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Exploring far and wide. | 📷 Wendy McGuinness - February 20, 2019

Ripley Creek

Week 10 had unsettled weather with a couple of bluebird days. Some much needed snowfall finally arrived giving us 45 cms of fresh fluff by the end of the week. We were able to find excellent conditions in our treeline terrain for most of the week. Our last day culminated with an amazing day in the alpine with perfect powder on all slopes from the alpine bowls to valley bottom glades. We had a notable wildlife sighting when the dutch group got to share a glacier run with a large wolverine.
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 55cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 260 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Sick pow on Boomtown. | 📷 Andre Ike

Bell 2 Lodge

Cold, sunny and dry for most of the week with a windy overcast day on Thursday. We skied all over the tenure looking for sheltered terrain and found good snow in mid elevations and in the alpine too. All in all a bit challenging, but guests were happy with good weather and decent skiing.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 1cm
    New snowfall
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 182 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Big sunny days. | 📷 Mita Ziegler - February 10, 2019

Ripley Creek

A challenging week with widespread wind effected surfaces and cold temperatures in the high alpine. The saving grace was blue skies every day and the guides abilities to sniff out sheltered areas which held powder snow. We had a successful Safari mission this week deep in the heart of our tenure, and even made a few first descents to top it off: Map of Tassie, Mezico Bowl, and Desperado. And...this weeks guests were the best ever!
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0cm
    New snowfall
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44980 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 240 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

On the glacier's edge. | 📷 Luis Castillo - February 11, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started off really cold and clear. Luckily a temperature inversion developed by Monday that kept people's faces and fingers from freezing. A storm midweek resulted in one down day before we skied fresh pow under blue skies to finish things off.
  • -25 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 25cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 45900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 195 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bluebird pow days. | 📷 Mark Corbett - February 5, 2019

Ripley Creek

The first arctic air mass settled into the province bringing cold, clear weather at the beginning of the week. We found shelterd powder in protected alpine bowls and treeline glades. A mid-week 30cm miracle dump of very low density snow, followed by blue sky the next morning, had everyone elated as we skied some of our biggest vertical glacier runs near the Gran Duc mine site. This included the 7km long, 1900m vertical run “So Good”. Many guests said it was the best skiing day of their lives. Another great week at Ripley Creek.
  • -17 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 30cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44650 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 250 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Classic Ripley alpine turns. | 📷 Andre Ike - February 5, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

We did a lot of really fun things this week. We skied in the far east of the tenure on day in perfect blue sky. Other days we went tree skiing in the Owl and Red Flat drainage's. We had a great week of skiing even thought the weather didn't cooperate every day.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 38cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 198 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Lunch in the mountains. | 📷 Matthew Jenkins - January 30, 2019

Ripley Creek

The first week of the year for Ripley Creek started out with 3 blue bird days. We skied classic runs in the Frank Mackie, Bowser, Nelson Creek and on the Cambria Icefield. The snow came late in the week, and by the last day we were skiing knee deep powder in the trees. Fantastic week to start the season.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 30cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Poor
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 240 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Deep days on Money Ridge. | 📷 February 1, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

A very challenging week for flying due to cloud cover and fog layers. We got out every day except Friday. Some days where cut short, but the tree skiing was excellent with the regular snow refreshes. Good snow coverage all the way to valleys bottoms. We where teased by a weather opening briefly, but where unable to fly into the high alpine. Our guests had a blast, however, and several have already re-booked for 2020.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 23500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 187 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Setup at Ripley Creek where skiing begins Jan 26th. | 📷 Luis Castillo

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started with clear skies and beautiful skiing in Owl creek where the snow was well preserved form the previous storm cycle. As the week progressed, warmer temps made for some downtime due to low valley fog. We where able to find a way above the clouds Wednesday for a magical day in the sun with great snow. Later in the week more snow arrived and we found good skiing in the alpine to the South. The week ended with some great tree skiing in Red Flat.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 25 cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 28900 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 168 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

A magical day above the clouds. | 📷 Steve Rosset - January 16, 2019

Bell 2 Lodge

A very special week with the String Cheese Incident music band taking over our entire lodge. Live music nightly created an incredible atmosphere and everyone had a great time both on and off the slopes. We can’t wait to do it again next year! Skiing wise, we had epic weather to start the week with a beautiful bluebird day. Clouds moved in later along with plenty of new snow. As the pow, arrived we moved into the trees for some great skiing lower down.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 74 cm
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30600 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 180 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Fire & Ice Night @ Bell 2 Lodge | 📷 Coast Mountain Photography

Bell 2 Lodge

Early season conditions where outstanding with the arrival of a big storm front mid-week delivering 80cm of fresh snow. This made for great skiing conditions both up high in the alpine and low down in the trees. Coverage is building up very nicely for this time of the year and allowed us to ski to valley bottoms on many runs.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 80cm
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 37000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 180 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Plenty of snow up here. 📷 Mitja Ziegler - December 30, 2018

Bell 2 Lodge

Our first week of the season brought in several storm systems, which made for some great skiing in the trees. Coverage was solid for early season, allowing us to ski all the way down to valley bottoms.
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 46cm
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 21510 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 140 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Our guides digging a snow pit. | 📷 Alec Brown- Dec 27, 2018

Bell 2 Lodge

Spring finally caught up in the north and warm temperatures encroached into the week causing 2 non-ski days this week. Skiing quality depended on the amount of new snow covering various crusts except for high north, but finally blue skies and we were back in great powder on the high glaciers. The Last two days in the season – April 14th and 15th ended on a high note with gorgeous weather and classic spring skiing in the alpine. A huge thanks to all that visited this season.
  • 3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 29
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30885 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 198 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

The final week of 2018 started with one of the lightest dumps of snow all season. We enjoyed beautiful alpine and tree line skiing before a mid week warming changed conditions back to spring. The final days saw another dump with full winter conditions in the trees. It was an excellent season overall with Mother Nature providing cold temperatures, lots of snow and plenty of sun. We are already looking forward to 2019. Thanks to all our guests who skied with us and we hope to see you again.
  • 3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 47
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Poor
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 350 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Classic spring start to the week with beautiful turns in the alpine. Later in the week we got a fresh dose of powder and a return to winter like conditions. That made for some awesome turns both in the alpine and trees.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 38
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 52605 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 218 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

The week started off with typical spring conditions which equaled awesome days in the alpine with the occasionally challenging snow. In the middle of the week a miraculous weather system deposited daily snowfalls with cold temperatures. The result was unbelievable deep powder skiing which gave some of the best skiing in memory. The last four days were absolutely epic with cold smoke found from ridge top to valley bottom.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 50
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 63960 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 360 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

A very good week with good alpine days. The cold weather returned after a brief encounter with early spring and brought excellent snow conditions for the rest of the week.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 51
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 34520 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 233 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

Perhaps one of the best weeks of the season.... It started out with a massive winter storm which brought us 85cm of storm snow and we skied tree runs in thigh deep powder while it continued to snow. Mid week saw a break in the storm which allowed us to get into the alpine but some valleys were still receiving new snow from the cumulus clouds. The last days went completely blue bird and we were able to ski off our highest summits with no wind and winter like conditions. A taste of everything and we visited many areas of the tenure. Team Waiting were patient and all the waiting finally paid off. Thanks again to all our guests and we hope to ski with you again some day.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 95
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 50800 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 350 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

One of the biggest days of vertical this year happened this week. Even though the weather was challenging for two days. We still managed to have a great week of skiing. Lots of good skiing.
  • -4 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 74
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42500 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 200 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

We started the week off with clear blue sky, skiing on our most majestic high alpine terrain. Mid week saw typical stormy spring conditions. Our pilots continuously amazed us by transporting our skiers to mountain top in challenging weather. With the exception of one full down day we were able to find awesome skiing every day.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 43
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Fair
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 43470 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

We had some fresh powder in the beginning of the week that made for excellent skiing in the alpine. Warm air arrived on Monday and settled the snow quickly but we still had good skiing. Midweek increasing clouds and precipitation on Thursday kept us down but on Friday it was incredible to get into the high glaciers and skiing was great again.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 28
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44075 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 189 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

The week began with superb powder skiing in the Eastern end of the area and several forays into the high alpine areas of Grand Duc and Todd Creek. Heavy weather shut us down for a couple of days, which allowed our hard partying guests some social time and included a magnificent encounter with a pod killer whales off the Hyder pier. On the last day we were able to punch through the fog and have an absolutely stunning day in the high alpine of the Frank Mackie and Johnson icefields.
  • -2 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 22
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 53860 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

We had a very good week with great weather all week. There was only a little bit of fresh powder on the last day and we could explore lots of the alpine runs in the tenure. It was not easy to find the best snow since there was a lot of wind in the higher mountains the week before but the guides did a fine job and the guest where very happy.
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 10
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 54390 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 190 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

The best stretch of weather so far this season with blue skies every day except Friday. We ventured to the far corners of the tenure and skied many runs that had not yet been skied this season. We also made the first descent of the instant classic 900m B.L.O. Bowl near Hanna Ridge and 1000m Jump Street in Nelson Creek. Truly a week to remember. Thanks to all our guests.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 2
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 60520 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

We received over 40 cm of awesome powder this past week. It made for great skiing all over the tenure. No one argues with thigh deep blower powder from the mountain top to the valley bottom. Excellent week with awesome guests.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 43
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 47970 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 202 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

We spent most of the week skiing stormy conditions in Surprise Creek. No complaints, it was a fantastic week with lots of powder and amazing ski conditions. Our last day dawned blue and we were able to enjoy a half day of skiing some of our classic alpine runs in the Cambria and Grand Duc zones.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 50
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 51700 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Lots of good weather this week with great panoramic views from the top of the high mountains. Weather was cold and dry until midweek as an unusual wind event affected the snow quality negatively in the Alpine. We still found good snow in sheltered terrain and at the end of the week 20 cm fresh powder where awesome.
  • -10 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 21
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 48340 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 191 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

A very sunny week of skiing at Ripley. Although the winds ravaged much of our terrain, with such a vast area to work with, our guides were able to find excellent preserved powdered. Our loyal returning guests the Utah boys almost cracked 200,000 ft of skiing, while Stian, Jan and Pete hucked some of the largest cliffs in the tenure. First time guests Patrick and Beatrice had a great time and we hope to see them again.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 8
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 62380 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

We started off the week with blue skies that let us explore the far reaches of the tenure. A storm mid week provided a blanket of new snow the kept the ski quality high. Everybody left with pow eating smiles on their faces.
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 41
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 44325 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 185 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

An outstanding week with huge variety both in our weather and terrain we skied. We had sun, then snow, then sun and more snow. We skied our classic long glacier runs when the weather was good and steep tree runs with pillow drops when it was cloudy and snowing. Thanks to our big Swiss group and our Hagen German group for skiing at Last Frontier.
  • -8 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 63
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 56250 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 310 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Week 7 was a week to remember. It started out with some really great deep powder skiing all over the tenure. We had one day that the weather did not allow us to get out but we were getting tired anyway. After our mid week day off we got back out and skied some great alpine runs to finish the week off. Felt like we just had a really great party all week long with some good friends.
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 10
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38420 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 180 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

This was a week of big swings in the weather, with super snowy storm days and clear skies. We skied waist deep snow one day, and smooth alpine features around big ice on the high glaciers the next. There was a down day, and we enjoyed a fire in the gazebo with singing, dancing, and walking on coals. Thanks for coming and we hope to see you next year
  • -9 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 69
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 46650 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

A very snowy week with the perfect amounts of light dry powder every day. We had amazing skiing at treeline and below in deep cold powder. The weather was mostly overcast so the higher elevations where only available for short excursions but the scenery then was stunning above a sea of clouds.
  • -12 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 101
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 38310 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 196 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Ripley Creek

The first week of operations for Ripley Creek. Our first day was stunning with perfect powder from peak to valley and we skied our massive alpine runs in the Bowser River Valley. A mid week break gave us the opportunity to explore the new tenure extension near the Portland Canal and Hastings Arm. The remainder of the week we had fresh powder every day giving us waist deep powder skiing on the amazing tree runs of Surprise and Deep Creek.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 85
    New snowfall
  • Awesome
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Wicked
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 55000 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 300 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Challenging weather all week but no down days the whole week. Everyday brought a fresh shot of low density snow that made for excellent conditions. A great week.
  • -5 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 31
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 40720 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 160 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Steady light snowfall through the week kept conditions fresh. The week ended with excellent skiing from ridges top to valley bottom in awesome conditions with fantastic views.
  • -3 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 26
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 40510 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 160 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

A cold week with lots of good weather and excellent skiing in most valleys. The beginning of the week had a few days of fresh powder and it kept well preserved for the rest of the week.
  • -18 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 35
    New snowfall
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 29165 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 165 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Short week with only three guest days. The week started with beautiful sunny skies but bracing arctic temperatures, we sampled some wonderful alpine terrain with an austere ambiance. Some new snow later in the week pushed away the cold air mass and allowed us to frolic in the enchanted forests.
  • -7 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 45
    New snowfall
  • Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 15525 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 150 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

Valley bottom temperature were cold all week but, We enjoyed very good alpine skiing in the pleasant inversion temperatures. Lots of sun and clear skies.
  • -14 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 0
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 42400 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 154 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters

Bell 2 Lodge

The week started with a heavy snowfall that delivered 60 cm of fresh and made for some great skiing in both the trees and the alpine. For the rest of the week the skies cleared and we were able to explore far and wide under bluebird skies. We ended the week skiing under beautiful light as we celebrated winter solstice. What a way to start the season!
  • -6 °C
    Avg. temp at 1,000 meters
  • 60
    New snowfall
  • Very Good
    Snow condition in the alpine
  • Excellent
    Snow condition in the trees
  • 30610 m
    Total vertical skied
  • 158 cm
    Avg. snowbase at 1,000 meters
Renuncia: El tiempo es complicado y como todos los buenos predictores, nos equivocamos alguna vez … Sin embargo, en cuanto al reporte diario de condiciones de nieve, siempre seremos precisos y honestos.

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