Our Lodge to Lodge Heliski Safari
In a recent post, I discussed one of the more difficult choices when booking a trip with Last Frontier Heliskiing. Should I book my week at Bell 2 Lodge or Ripley Creek? It’s a tough choice, almost like choosing between an Aston Martim and a Ferrari. Both offer snarling engines, insane performance and the comforts of a luxury supercar, but they are different. But what if you could have both for what is essentially the price of one? What if you could ski from both lodges on a week long heliski trip? Kinda the best of both worlds, no?
Enter our Heliski Safari. Designed for those looking for the ultimate skiing and riding experience, our Lodge to Lodge Heliski Safari is about that never ending search for deep turns so many skiers and riders have devoted a lifetime to. We don’t like to brag, but our heliski area is the single largest in the world. Located deep in the wild, rugged mountains of Northwestern British Columbia, our vast area has some of the best terrain on offer anywhere. The snow depths up here are some of the deepest in the world; already this year we’ve seen storm after storm roll in off the Pacific and we’re not even open yet.
The Heliski Safari can be booked in two ways. Depending on logistics, you can start from either location and make it a full ski week sampling the terrain in all corners of our heliski area. Typically, though, the first four nights are spent at Bell 2 Lodge. From here, at our purpose built heliski facility, you’ll ski through the northern part of our tenure, enjoying everything from old growth tree runs to some of the biggest, widest and longest vertical heliski runs in the world. The glaciers here are massive, and the high alpine opportunities for skiing are endless.
On the fourth day, after a hearty breakfast, your group and your guide will ski their way throughout the day into the southern part of our tenure and end up at our Ripley Creek operation. Located on the edge of the Alaskan Panhandle in the heart of the Coast Mountains of BC, Stewart is a frontier town at the head of the Port Canal, one of the longest fjords in North America. From here, you’ll spend the next three days ripping laps in the coast mountains. The terrain here is epic, with the mountains jutting straight out of the ocean. The views here are endless and extend well into Southeast Alaska.
Having the opportunity to sample both locations is awesome. Bell 2 and Ripley Creek are different experiences and each location, along with each area’s terrain, bring a different feel and character to your heliski experience. The Lodge to Lodge Heliski Safari is the ultimate way to experience what Last Frontier Heliskiing has to offer. It’s a real chance to lose yourself in a week of skiing and riding on what is truly the last frontier of skiing in BC. As a little teaser, here is what a Heliski Safari looks like. It’s our 2015 promo film, entitled the Cold Rush and it catalogues Big Mountain Skiers Suz Graham and Chris Booth, along with Photographer Reuben Krabbe, shredding their way, over a single week, on our Heliski Safari. Enjoy.