The Importance of Pursuing Adventure
We all have a different interpretation of the concept of “adventure”. What does it really mean to you? For me, an adventure involves taking off my shorts and putting on pants to go do something. It could mean skiing across the Greenland ice-cap , heliskiing at Last Frontier, or tackling an exotic cheese platter (which requires the stretchy sweat pants). For some, it may involve eating strange foods, like sheep head and chicken spleen, but for a local somewhere that might be an everyday meal. Perhaps that’s the beauty to an adventure – it means something different to everybody.
Adventure is the exploration of the unknown. Whether that means spelunking in Brazil, heli-skiing or even raising a family. All adventurous behaviours require going outside the comfort zone and opening up to new experiences, for the risk of getting fascinated or sometimes, skunked.
Adventure can also be found in everyday life, you only have to choose to see it. Dare to do something out of the ordinary and break away from the daily routine, even if it scares you. Seize the moment and take on life with passion, enthusiasm and excitement. Remember, adventure is a choice. It’s something we can all take on.
Heliskiing is often regarded as one of the greatest adventures of a lifetime. People come from around the world to ski at Last Frontier Heliskiing. During my winters here, I’ve met skiers from Switzerland, Australia, Scotland, Austria, USA, Czech Republic, New Zealand, Fiji, French Polynesia, and Germany. Some have been pilots, investors, CEOs, and Directors. Others have been postal workers, carpenters, and plumbers. In the end, their background becomes irrelevant – it’s their love of skiing and passion for adventure that brings our guests together.
I’ve worked for Last Frontier Heliskiing for three seasons now. Even though I’ve heli-skied each season, it still scares me. Doubts come to mind: What if my group is too fast? What if the terrain is too steep? What if I get confused in the helicopter and make a fool of myself? What if I annoy the guides? What if? What if?
Truth is, I’ve rarely struggled. I’ve always kept up to the group and I generally don’t make a fool of myself (except for the odd face plant, but-that-was-on-purpose-of-course). If you’re comfortable skiing down black runs in various snow conditions, you’ll be fine. The hardest part may be just telling your imagination to shut it. It’s human nature to imagine the worst, and that’s unfortunately (sometimes fortunately) holding us back far too often. An adventure requires us to just Go For It!
Whatever is on your adventure bucket list – heliskiing, swimming in icy water, run a marathon, or even make a pie from scratch – DO IT! We only get one chance to live, and many great opportunities show up only once in a lifetime, so make sure you at least try before it’s too late.